LG NOVA is on a mission to build new ventures and develop new solutions in partnership with innovative companies to bring positive change to people and the planet. We aspire to create businesses in new markets to create a better life for everyone.
Join us to build the future and grow your business with LG.
In the pursuit of a better future for people and communities, the move to better healthcare for all is a key priority. In this future, healthcare and wellness should be as ingrained in our daily lives as eating and sleeping. We’re looking for solutions that will help us move forward in building a healthcare system that is accessible to all and focused on solving the challenges of creating a healthier, happier society. Tell us how you’re working towards solutions that enable whole-person health – and better healthcare for all.
LEARN MOREThe truly impactful businesses will use emerging technologies of today to solve real-world problems, leading us into a better, more productive, positive future. These technologies — AR, VR, MR, and AI have the potential to enhance and create new opportunities for work, play, education and commerce. Share with us your idea and how your business is using these technologies to solve real-world problems.
LEARN MOREWe're in a race to create a more sustainable world - and we're in search of that killer application or business case that will help us move forward faster to bring about lasting change for a greener, healthier planet. Do you have a business idea or a product solution that will accelerate us to where we need to be? Share what you're doing to lead the change to better sustainability.
LEARN MORETechnologies and devices have contributed greatly to improving our everyday life. While we continue to make improvements, we want to explore wholly new categories of business ideas and capabilities that will bring meaningful change to how we live our lives. Tell us about what you're working on that will change how we do the things we need to do at home work or school.
LEARN MOREOur path towards a better future is created by companies who are innovating for impact. LG’s brand mission is to innovate for a better life, and we are dedicated to making the world a better place through good technologies. We want to hear from mission-driven companies with a core focus on changing the world for the better. How are you making “life good” for people, communities, and the planet?
LEARN MOREIn the pursuit of a better future for people and communities, the move to better healthcare for all is a key priority. In this future, healthcare and wellness should be as ingrained in our daily lives as eating and sleeping. We’re looking for solutions that will help us move forward in building a healthcare system that is accessible to all and focused on solving the challenges of creating a healthier, happier society. Tell us how you’re working towards solutions that enable whole-person health – and better healthcare for all.
LEARN MOREThe truly impactful businesses will use emerging technologies of today to solve real-world problems, leading us into a better, more productive, positive future. These technologies — AR, VR, MR, and AI have the potential to enhance and create new opportunities for work, play, education and commerce. Share with us your idea and how your business is using these technologies to solve real-world problems.
LEARN MOREWe're in a race to create a more sustainable world - and we're in search of that killer application or business case that will help us move forward faster to bring about lasting change for a greener, healthier planet. Do you have a business idea or a product solution that will accelerate us to where we need to be? Share what you're doing to lead the change to better sustainability.
LEARN MORETechnologies and devices have contributed greatly to improving our everyday life. While we continue to make improvements, we want to explore wholly new categories of business ideas and capabilities that will bring meaningful change to how we live our lives. Tell us about what you're working on that will change how we do the things we need to do at home work or school.
LEARN MOREOur path towards a better future is created by companies who are innovating for impact. LG’s brand mission is to innovate for a better life, and we are dedicated to making the world a better place through good technologies. We want to hear from mission-driven companies with a core focus on changing the world for the better. How are you making “life good” for people, communities, and the planet?
LEARN MORESelected companies will have the opportunity to collaborate deeply with LG in a 6+ month commercial acceleration program to explore collaboration and new business opportunities together. This is your opportunity to accelerate your business growth and success.
Deep collaboration with LG to develop multi-million-dollar to billion-dollar businesses as new ventures within LG’s global innovation portfolio.
Recommendations for potential investments from our capital partners, including NOVA Prime Fund and the LG NOVA Capital Alliance.
Up to $100k of grant funding to support pilot, POCs and/or joint product development.
We’re reviewing new business ideas for co-creation with LG on an ongoing basis. Submissions will be considered by a review committee every month. Opportunities for entry to the program will be selected based on market fit or business needs at the current time and will also be considered as opportunities to explore new “missions” open up in the future. Come collaborate with us.
In the Commercial Acceleration Program, selected companies and the
LG NOVA team work closely together to explore new business opportunities, with the ultimate goal of launching new ventures to solve real-world problems. During the program, companies will collaborate with a dedicated LG NOVA entrepreneur-in-residence who will champion the joint proposal and find opportunities across LG's global portfolio for accelerated business development.
LG NOVA intends to select 10-20 companies annually for this program.