Digital Health

Live strong and disease-free for life

Digbi Health is a gut microbiome, genetic-based virtual care platform to treat polychronic mental and physical illnesses. Digbi uses AI to harness clinical, genetic, gut microbiome, food, and behavioral signals to target the root cause of illness. We deliver tailored whole-person care, which includes remote monitoring, food-as-medicine, pharma reduction, coaching, and care coordination.

Energizing Mobility

Driving the Future of Sustainable Energy

An end-to-end EV charging and energy management solution, enabling global charge point operators and electric mobility service providers to accelerate their charging infrastructure and deliver an exceptional charging experience while optimizing operations, reducing TCO, speeding time-to-market, and maximizing revenues.

Digital Health

Life, Personalized by Science

LifeNome is the leading global precision health AI platform for enterprises. LifeNome’s Genomics AI engine leverages biological, physiological, and behavioral data to personalize interventions, products, and services for global health and wellbeing enterprises. The NYC-based company’s founders are among the top 20 cited scholars in their respective fields in the world.

Energizing Mobility

Solutions for the Future of Energy

IEMS software solutions help electricity system operators, power utilities, Microgrid developers, net-zero community developers and EV-fleet operators to plan and operate their systems with minimum cost and maximum reliability & resiliency by means of IoT, AI, Optimization and Blockchain-based Transactive Energy platforms.

The Metaverse

Empowering work, collaboration, and training in the Enterprise Metaverse

iQ3Connect is leveraging XR and web-based technologies to help Enterprises thrive in an era of hybrid work environments. Our immersive workspaces and no-code tools enable distributed teams to cost-effectively work, collaborate, and train from anywhere, on any AR, VR, or 2D device.

Digital Health

A new way to see your patients

Convert common home electronics into medical devices that combine remotely collected, real-time physiological measurements with patient-reported health data. Engage in a live virtual video interaction. See the right patient in the right place at the right time with clinical information that is normally only available during in-person clinical visits.

The Metaverse

VR Brain Training in the Metaverse

People are facing unprecedented demands and distractions due to an always-on culture and information overload. NeuroTrainer brings neuroscience out of the lab and into the living room. Our short “neural exercises” adjust levels of calm, energy and focus, helping people simultaneously increase productivity and improve quality of life.

Energizing Mobility

Truly Mobile Mobility

One of the world’s first mobile and intelligent on-demand EV charging network.

Digital Health

The Virtual Treatment Rooms of the Metaverse

XRHealth operates state-of-the-art Virtual Clinics, utilizing proprietary FDA registered medical virtual reality (VR/AR) applications. XRHealth integrates immersive VR/AR technology, licensed clinicians and advanced data analytics on one platform, providing a comprehensive therapeutic care solution for patients to receive treatment from the comfort of their home. The company focuses on three main therapeutic areas: pain management, neurological disorders, and behavioral health.