MayaMD Brings The Future of AI Healthcare Home to Your TV in Collaboration with LG NOVA

Jan 6, 2022 5:17:00 PM

Written by AIT News Desk


MayaMD, an AI healthcare company, is showcasing its conversational digital human AI health assistant at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2022, where it announced a new collaboration with LG NOVA, the North American Innovation Center for LG Electronics, to improve healthcare engagement & outcomes.

In the pilot, MayaMD plans to integrate its state of the art AI health assistant, called Maya, into LG Smart TVs to provide patients a more convenient and cost-effective way to manage their care. Initially starting with heart disease and healthy heart care, the pilot will measure the impact and effectiveness of serving information to patients from their TVs.

What do MayaMD founders have to say about their AI health assistant?

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Topics: Startup News, Healthtech