LG NOVA Ecosystem Team Forges Dynamic Partnerships and Engages with Visionary Leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

May 1, 2024 12:53:48 PM

The LG NOVA Ecosystem Team recently returned from an enriching experience at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. There, we showcased our commitment to innovation and sustainability, established strategic partnerships, and engaged with prominent leaders in innovation, sustainability, AI, and investments. 

Here's a closer look at our collaborative efforts and interactions with visionary figures during this prestigious event.

  • Hosted a dinner in partnership with a leading research institution dedicated to advancing sustainability solutions. Eight leading startup founders and select climate-focused investors participated. Through this collaboration, we hope to leverage a collaboration based technological expertise and research capabilities to drive innovation in areas such as renewable energy, smart cities, cleantech and AI. 
  • Sponsored an event with an accelerator focused on connecting climate startups with global investors. 
  • William Barkis, head of grand challenges & ecosystem development at LG NOVA, served on a panel and provided "Investor Insights" for six pitching cleantech startups, demonstrating our interest and thought leadership. 
  • Attended exclusive gatherings and discussions with influential and notable figures, national and regional governments that allowed for a collaborative idea exchange. 

Each of these interactions provided valuable insights into emerging trends, disruptive technologies, and strategies for addressing global challenges. The relationships formed and insights gained at the World Economic Forum will catalyze our future endeavors. By combining our strengths with our partners and drawing inspiration from visionary leaders, we feel empowered to make significant strides toward our shared goals of sustainability, innovation, social impact, and ensuring that Life is Good for everyone. 

As we look back on our experience at Davos, we are energized by the possibilities. The connections we made and collaborations initiated at this global platform reinforce our belief in the power of collective action and serve as a reminder that we can drive positive change for the betterment of society and the planet through collaboration.

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